Title of the article Conceptual Directions of Penitentiary System Reforming: Ukrainian Experience
Head of the Department of Supervision over Laws Observance by Agencies Entrusted with Executing Judgements in Criminal Proceedings and Other Measures of Compulsory Nature in Prisons, Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine
Journal Scientific theoretical and practical journal
“Journal of the National Prosecution Academy of Ukraine”
Issue 4/1’2018
Pages [145–152]
Abstract The sphere of implementation of international standards in the field of functioning of penitentiary systems and their implementation in the strategic documents defining the conceptual principles of the reform of the penitentiary system of Ukraine is explored. The main directions of reforming the system of execution and serving of sentences are determined, and the peculiarities of their implementation at the present stage of the state development of Ukraine are revealed, which can be taken into account by the European community in the implementation of the reform processes in this area.
Keywords punishment; penitentiary system; reforming; Council of Europe standards; the principles of reforming the penitentiary system.
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